- 1.1 Chimney Sweep /cleaning,
- 1.2 Chimney Relining
- 1.3 Chimney Level 1& 2 Inspection
- 1.4 Prefabricated chimney repair/install
- 1.5 Chimney cap
- 1.6 Chimney Damper
- 1.7 Chimney verification/certification
- 1.8 Chimney Repair/chimney crown/repointing/waterproofing
- 1.9 Chimney Rebuild
- 2.0 Fireplace repair
- 2.1 Smoke chamber repair/seal
- 2.2 Smoke guard and accessories
1.1 Chimney Sweep/Cleaning
We need our customers in New Jersey, NJ to be safe on their homes and enjoy using their fireplace chimney in a safe manner. The chimney is considered as a vulnerable part of the house but statistics shows that more than 40 percent of the houses have been on fire as a result of neglecting a simple chimney sweep/cleaning, thus is very important a chimney sweep /cleaning annually. Have you have noticed strange odor near your fireplace? Are you concerned about creosote buildup and the associated safety hazards? It's best to call A-Team Chimney for a professional certified chimney sweep/cleaning.
Why chimney sweep/cleaning?
Chimney sweep/cleaning done by a professional it's essential to the safety of your home. There are some benefits other than safety that have to be considered such as; preventing chimney fires, improving heating efficiency, preventing carbon monoxide poisoning and simplifying fireplace inspections.
What do you expect during the chimney sweep/cleaning?
A-Team Chimney & Roofing technicians are trained to provide a professional chimney sweep in New Jersey, NJ. We use professional-grade cleaning tools to remove soot and creosote deposits from your chimney's flue that don't damage the flue lining structure, (clay, b-vent pipes, E-vent pipes, or other structure).
Creosote is a toxic byproduct of burning wood that needs to be removed regularly. We also use an industrial vacuum to collect any debris created during and after the cleaning. Our team use drop clothes around the fireplace chimney to cover the surrounded area that can be affected.
Once we have finished the chimney sweep/cleaning New Jersey, NJ, we will visually inspect our work for thoroughness as well the chimney structure. We check the firebox, smoke chamber, chimney flue, chimney liners, and chimney exterior.
If our technicians will notice anything not to code during the inspections will notify the home owner.
How often do I need a chimney sweep/cleaning New Jersey, NJ
Chimney cleaning has to be done annually in order to reduce the risk of you, your family members and your property. Also, it helps to maintain the chimney structure safe and good shape by identifying on time the potential issues. As the winter season is over, it is the proper time to have a chimney sweep/cleaning New Jersey, NJ. Some families claim the creosote smell as they are using the central cooling system on the summer.
Frequently asked question
How long does the chimney sweep last?
It will take 45-90 minutes to conclude all the work, but the time will be defined by the type of the chimney, thickness of the creosote deposits, maintenance plan.
How do you know if you need a chimney sweep?
If you have used the fireplace more than 30 times or whole season it is the proper time to call 551-232-0034 for a chimney sweep/cleaning New Jersey, NJ. Beside that there are some clear signs that you have to know; Oily spots on the walls of your fireplace, poorly burning fires, odors coming from the fireplace, animals are inside your chimney, smoke doesn't rise up the chimney, fires are difficult to get started, chimney soot is falling from the chimney.
What happens if you don't clean your fireplace?
Ignoring this critical task of chimney cleaning can cause blockage and buildup of toxic gases within your home. When gas and smoke can't vent outside properly, it can billow back into your home. Aside from that, not cleaning your chimney can also cause a chimney fire.
Do gas fireplace flues need to be cleaned?
Gas burning fireplaces don't produce creosote, but still need annual cleaning. A chimney sweep/ cleaning in your gas fireplace will help remove items like bird's nests, animals, and any debris that may have gotten trapped in there as well any potential soot.
1.2 Chimney Relining
Chimney Liner New Jersey, NJ, Masonry chimneys in New Jersey, NJ are designed differently depending on the age of the house they are not lined or tile lined. Most masonry chimneys are built with terra-cotta clay tiles stacked and mortared inside the brick/block or stone structure. The flue gases are acidic in nature and literally eat away at the mortar joints from inside the chimney. As the mortar joints erode, heat transfers more rapidly to the nearby combustibles and dangerous gases such as carbon monoxide can leak into the living areas of the home.
Chimney liner New Jersey, NJ protects the masonry from the corrosive byproducts of combustion. If the flue gases were allowed to penetrate to the brick and mortar, the result would be a reduction in the usable life of the chimney.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) states that all chimneys must have a liner that is able to contain the products of combustion. The NFPA also recommends yearly chimney inspections to ensure that your chimney liner is in good condition as many people have liners in such poor condition that they are serving no purpose and putting the home at risk for fire.
Why do I need to install a chimney liner in New Jersey, NJ?
There are some reasons that you need to install a chimney liner,
The existing masonry chimney clay lining is eroded and deteriorated by the acidic gases so there is a potential exposure on Carbone monoxide that is harmless and life threating.
Oil to gas conversion, it is required by Code that when you do the conversion, that you line or re-line your chimney to be able to handle the different exhaust gases emitted by a natural gas-burning furnace or boiler.
Unit/appliance replacement. If you install a new wood stove, fireplace insert or gas appliance, a chimney liner may be required to ensure proper venting. Having an incorrect flue size could lead to smoke spilling into the home, overfire of a wood stove, or excessive formation of creosote which causes chimney fires.
Chimney liners are being installed to correct the size and help the combustible because some chimneys are oversized.
N.F.P.A. 211.13.9 If the flue liner in a chimney has softened, cracked, separated and/or otherwise deteriorated so that it no longer has the continued ability to contain the products of combustion (i.e., heat, moisture, creosote, and flue gases), the liner should be either removed and replaced, repaired, or relined with a listed liner system or other approved material that will resist corrosion, softening, or cracking from flue gases at temperatures appropriate to the class of chimney service
What are the types of chimney liner?
The chimney liners we service in New Jersey are: clay and metal liner
Chimney clay lining are the most common type of masonry chimney liners. The clay lining is installed when the chimney is being build or rebuild. They are inexpensive and perform quite well for open fireplace chimneys that are properly maintained. On the other hand, being a ceramic product, it cannot rapidly absorb and evenly distribute heat of the rapid temperature rise that occurs during a chimney fire. Thus, uneven heating produces an unequal expansion which causes the flue tiles to crack and split apart. A chimney with cracked chimney liners must be repaired before use.
The metal chimney liner is air and watertight. It locks in moisture and flue gases in your chimney and keeps them out of your home. This unique alloy is designed specifically to resist acids coming from gas appliances in the flue and extreme stresses of hot and cold Cycles. Stainless steel is suitable for woodburning, gas, or oil applications. Stainless steel liner has been UL-Tested under the most extreme conditions including multiple simulated chimney fires exceeding 2100 F so you'll sleep soundly at night knowing that your home is safer for yourself and your family.
A-Team professional crew is able to install both types of chimney liner above mentioned as well can define what type of liner you need on your property.
Level 1 & Level 2 Chimney Inspection
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recognizes 3 levels of chimney inspections. We offer Level 1 & 2 chimney inspections. Both inspection levels increase in their thoroughness as the numbers increase; in other words, Level II inspections are more involved than a Level I inspection,
Level I Chimney Inspection
- This is your annual chimney inspection performed with every chimney sweep. Level 1 inspections satisfy the annual inspection requirement per NFPA 14.2. It is a thorough visual scan of all readily accessible portions of the chimney, appliance, and connector pipes. These requirements are clearly stated in NFPA 14.2 "Annual Inspection. Chimneys, fireplaces, and vents shall be inspected at least once a year per the requirements of Section 15.2." You can call to schedule a Level I inspection and we will offer you the best price and professional service.
Level II Chimney Inspection
- Level II Chimney inspection is based on the requirements set for the National Fire Protection Association 211 Inspection Standards. These Inspections Standards are found in Chapter 14 of NFPA 211. Those Inspection Standards are recognized throughout the United States by the Fireplace Venting Industry as "The Industry Standards" based on this fact, the inspector is professionally and legally obligated to abide these standards.
These standards are recommended in the best interest of all parties. Level II Inspection should be ordered:
- Property sale or transaction.
- Fuel type changes or additional appliances installation.
- Any structural damage has occurred.
A Level II inspection requires roof access, and a live scan video of the inside of the flue. The video camera inspection is helpful to the technician to identify damaged flue tiles or chimney pipes, debris, soot buildup and
1.4 Prefabricated chimney repair/install
What is a Prefabricated Chimney?
A factory-built system is a prefabricated chimney manufactured in a factory and assembled at the job site. It has a metal flue pipe system to vent smoke out of the house. Prefabricated Fireplace are smaller and some have blowers built-in during installation.
All factory-built systems are UL-Rated. Factory-built or "prefab" fireplaces generally have a firebox of cast refractory panels, and usually, some metal is visible in the room all around the firebox. If you look up past the damper, you will see a round metal chimney. Most notably, when looking at the fireplace chimney from the outside of the home, these types of fireplaces have chases constructed much like that of the home itself. (i.e., bat and board, siding, stucco, etc.)
Why Prefabricated Fireplace Chimneys?
Most of new construction and town houses or condos have prefabricated chimney installed. This kind of chimneys a are being build for fireplaces and heating system to exhoust the fumes and hot gases from the burning out of the house. The chimneys are being build on the side of the house or through it by respecting the fire clearances.
Prefabricated Chimneys are being build as safety measure from carbone monoxide exposure as well to increase the efficiency of the appliances as a secondary solution on the old houses that masonry built chimneys fail to do so.
When a homeowner decides to install a wood burning stove or a fireplace chimney on the houses that don't have one it will require a Prefabricated Chimney installation.
Prefabricated Chimney repair.
Fireplaces, woodburning stoves, and oil burned Prefab chimneys need to be cleaned/sweeped anually. As this happened our team will conduct a level 1 inspection on your chimney .
The fireplace panels are made of prefabricated concrete and because of the high heat in the firebox they tend to crack, that leads fire hazard. Our team will check the depth and size of the crack and best solution is to replace them with a new one.
The chimney top cover its usually made of galvanized sheet metal flat, with no creases or drip edge, that by the time get rusted/corroded and creates holes on it. The water starts leaking through the chimney and roof penetration creating a potential risk of chimney pipes flue corrosion. The best repair for it is replacing the chase cover with stainless steel one with creases to bring the water out of the chimney.
Some chimneys are going through the house by penetrating the roof structure doesn't have a box, but just the pipe is going out. Those types of chimeys get rusted on the outer part and roofing flashing fail. It's crucial leaving them on this condition because chimney structure will start to get damaged by corrosion and the water leaks will apear on the attic areas.
Chimney cap & dampers
Chimney cap NJ, it is a requirement for every chimney to protect from animals invasion, atmospheric agents entering your home through your chimney and prevent downdrafts. They can also prevent sparks from spreading from your fire to your roof.
A chimney cap is used to cover the flue, or opening, at the top of the chimney . Chimney caps are made from metals including copper, stainless steel, and galvanized steel. The material used affects the appearance and longevity of the chimney cap. Chimney caps are available in a variety of different styles and designs. There are standard sizes and custom made caps. The most basic kind of chimney cap, shelter chimney caps can be square, rectangular, or round.
Prefabricated chimneys cap features are double-walled ventilation design on the sides, rather than open mesh. The double-wall system is less susceptible to clogging and efficiently redirects winds away from the flue, even in extreme conditions.
Chimney Cap Dimensions
There are standard sizes and custom-made caps. The best chimney cap for rain is one that is tightly fitting, well maintained, and inspected annually. However, if the chimney cap is installed improperly or sustains damage after installation, water penetration may still occur. Make sure your annual roof inspection also covers your chimney cap to keep everything working properly.
A professionally measured and installed chimney cap of any material will do a great job of keeping out the rain. The most common sizes for square/rectangular chimney caps are; 8 x 8, 8 x 13, 13 x 13, 8 x 17, and 13 x 17. The average diameter of a round chimney cap ranges from six to 18 inches.
What is a Chimney Damper?
A chimney damper serves to control the airflow in your fireplace. Dampers can be installed at chimney throat or on the top of the chimney flue.
Traditional throat dampers, also known as bottom-closing dampers, are located between the firebox and the smoke chamber. These are usually made of cast iron to withstand the high heat of a fire. Since they sit immediately above the flames, it's easy to operate throat dampers by hand and check their condition at a glance.
Top-mount or lock top dampers are installed at the top of the chimney flue, with a control handle mounted to the firebox attached by an aircraft-grade cable. This option is more energy-efficient than a throat damper and provides added protection against water damage. Stainless steel is a proven, long-lasting material for top-mount dampers.
Why Do I Need a Chimney Damper?
The chimney damper is installed to control the air flow on four seasons. The damper is installed since the chimney is build. Lack of the damper will increase the energy consumption to heat or cool the house.
As you use your fireplace, the damper door has to be open to allow the harmful smoke, fumes, and carbon monoxide gas venting out. Otherwise, those harmful gases/fumes will trap inside, creating an unsafe environment and the smoke will be spread into the house.
The damper door should be closed once the fire is out and the handle is cooled in order to cut off the airflow.
Chimney Damper Repair/Replace
It is to schedule chimney damper repair or replacement if you notice any of these signs:
- The damper has come off its track or out of its hinge: If either problem occurs, the damper may become difficult or impossible to operate, leaving it stuck partly open. A repair is needed to make the damper operational again.
- Cold drafts are coming from the fireplace: Extreme temperature changes can warp and deteriorate dampers over time, especially in the case of throat dampers that sit so close to the flames. A damaged damper can't close tightly, causing efficiency and comfort problems. Installing a more efficient top-mount damper may solve this problem.
- The damper won't open: If the damper is stuck in the closed position, it is unsafe to use your wood-burning fireplace or stove until the device is repaired.
- Damper is rusted at chimney, part of it are fallen in fireplace hearth.
Call today on 551-232-0034 to schedule a damper repair/replacement and our team will provide you the best and affordable service timely. We have our expertise on defining what the real issue is and offering the best solution.
1.7 Chimney verification/certification
This form is a requirement from the Townships/Boroughs to be issued by a chimney certified professional in regard with the chimney conditions (fireplace and heating flue).
For minor and emergency work, this form must be provided with your permit application. For all other work, this form must be presented to the code official prior to final inspection.
Chimney verification will be released when our Team we will do the verification as follow:
For Oil or Coal to Gas Conversions:
We have verified that the chimney/vent is in good repair and clear of obstruction and is substantially clean of residue from its previous use serving an oil or coal appliance and that the chimney/vent is appropriately lined and sized for the appliance(s) being installed.
Oil to Oil or Gas to Gas Replacements or New/Additional Appliances:
When our Team have verified that the existing chimney/vent is in good repair and clear of obstruction and is appropriately lined and sized for the appliance(s) being installed and/or remaining.
Direct Vent Appliance:
Our Team have verified that the appliance(s) being installed is a direct vent appliance, and that the existing chimney/ vent is appropriately lined and sized for any remaining appliances.
The Verification will not be submitted by our chimney professionals in case that will be required to be present for the inspection to remove and reinstall the chimney vent connector.
1.8 Chimney Repair/chimney crown/repointing/waterproofing
A chimney is an architectural ventilation structure made of masonry, clay or metal that isolates hot toxic exhaust gases or smoke produced by a boiler, stove, furnace, incinerator or fireplace from human living areas. Chimneys are typically vertical, or as near as possible to vertical, to ensure that the gases flow smoothly, drawing air into the combustion in what is known as the stack, or chimney effect. The space inside a chimney is called the flue. Chimneys are adjacent to large industrial refineries, fossil fuel combustion facilities or part of buildings, steam locomotives and ships.
Masonry Chimney exterior is part of annually inspection that we suggest to our costumers in order to prevent further damages on time with low cost. Our Team handle all types of repairs and maintenance exterior, chimney crowns, repointing, waterproofing to complete chimney rebuilding
Chimney Crown
The chimney crown is very important. It serves as a protective concrete umbrella or rooftop for your entire chimney. This protects your flue and chimney from rain, ice, snow and other elements.
When the chimney crown develops cracks or start deterioration, it allows rain water penetrate through the chimney to the brick joints its structure. Depending on the weather conditions due to expansion and contraction the chimney structure will get further deterioration and cause severe damage to the entire chimney if not repaired. When discovered early, basic repairs can be made to prevent issues from occurring.
Chimney Crown Sealing
If the cracks in the chimney crown are minor, they can be filled with crown coating waterproof sealer that can be applied on top. This will safely block water from entering and last approximately 10 years.
Chimney Crown Repair and Rebuilding
In case of more extensive damage to the crown, it may be necessary to rebuild it. If the chimney is still in good condition, then it's possible to rebuild only the crown. This will protect the chimney for many more years. It's important to have a professional chimney repair inspect the crown, flue, and entire chimney to ensure all areas are safe.
What is a Chimney repointing?
Chimney Repointing is an essential maintenance task. The cracks in the mortar joints will continue to grow and eventually break apart and this can lead to leaking, water damage, or worse a cracked brick that falls off of your roof! These are all signs that it is time for repointing services.
Repointing a Chimney is simply filling in the gaps between bricks with mortar. This keeps water from seeping into your home, which can cause serious damage over time if left untreated.
Why do I need a Chimney repointing?
This process will also help keep it clean, which can lengthen chimney life by years. The mortar fill helps prevent soot from being washed down the brick face of your home when there are heavy rains or snow melts. This keeps everything looking nice and neat. Repointing a chimney is an important part of routine maintenance that should be done every few decades to ensure you get the most out of this aspect of your home's architecture for as long as possible.
How to identify if your Chimney needs repointing?
A chimney is an important part of any home. As a big masonry structure, it can be damaged over time due to exposure and weather conditions. This damage mostly occurs at the top of the chimney where water seeps into its crevices and freezes when temperatures drop below freezing point - this causes expansion which damages mortar joints leading them to crumble away leaving behind gaps between bricks.
How do I know if my Chimney needs repointed?
There are a few warning signs that your home's chimney could be in need of repair.
The mortar between the bricks is deteriorating or absent entirely. This can lead to water damage and other issues down the road, so it should be patched up right away. If you notice this happening around any part of your fireplace opening, then you might want to consider talking with an expert about how best to proceed. It could save you thousands on repairs later!
- You see cracks forming along your brick face or hear odd sounds when wind blows across it while standing nearby (like whistling).
- You notice bricks with large cracks in them. Sometimes this damage can lead to bigger problems like collapsed roofs, which are dangerous and expensive to fix!
- If you noticed mortar around your Chimney, particularly if there is any noticeable damage or signs of deterioration like cracking through bricks and major cracks in mortar joints.
- If your home has never had its chimney repointed before, then this might be a good time to do so! It will keep everything looking nice for years to come.
- Don't wait until you notice cracks in the mortar of your Chimney or bricks starting to fall out and avoid potential more costly repairs down the road like collapsed roofs etc...
- So, get out ahead of any bigger problems by acting quickly and getting Our expert Team advice on how best to proceed with having your Chimney Repointed as soon as possible. Do not ignore warning signs about something that can easily become an unexpected repair bill at someone's doorstep if they were too busy ignoring the warning signs about something that was not appropriately dealt with while still manageable.
- - Repointing your Chimney might be a good idea if it's never been done before or you notice bricks with large cracks in them... So, get out ahead of potential problems by repointing your chimney today!
Chimney Waterproofing
Chimney bricks constantly are exposed to atmospheric agents all the time. The ice and water presence deteriorate the face of the bricks and mortar joints, so it soaks it up, thus creating a situation where water penetrates the flue and creates significant damage. If you've noticed rapidly deteriorating mortar or empty spaces at mortar joints, chances are that such a problem is caused by moisture.
Chimney waterproofing is an effective way to deal with moisture problems.
It's a solution to consider for persons having moisture-related issues too. The tips provided here should be helpful enough to arrest any moisture penetration in your chimney
Chimney saver water repellent is a good solution to prevent the moisture penetrate to bricks and mortar joints and by applying that chimney life last longer.
We make spray entire chimney two coats in order to make sure that every part of it is covered and we prevent the further damages.
Chimney saver water repellent we use is environment friendly.
1.9 Chimney Rebuild
As the chimney is a masonry structure exposed form atmospheric agents and earth movements all the time it will happen deterioration and damages.
Rebuilding a chimney becomes necessary when the chimney is leaning, as a result of severe brick spalling or irreparable mortar deterioration. Other reasons chimneys need to be rebuilt include faulty brick chimney repairs and improper chimney rebuilds. A-Team Chimney & Roofing will offer quality and insured work providing partial chimney rebuilds, brick chimney repairs, full chimney rebuilds, roofline-up chimney rebuilds, chimney cap repair and rebuild, and all brick masonry chimney rebuilding needs.
Annual chimney inspections are important to prevent major repairs on time. Chimney leaks are the number one cause of damage to masonry chimneys. Water gets into the masonry for various reasons, such as deteriorating mortar or a cracked chimney crown. The moisture can cause the face of bricks to flake or pop off, which is called "spalling." This is just one example of how the effects of moisture cause the chimney structure to weaken. When a moisture problem isn't detected, the damage it causes continues to worsen until a rebuild becomes necessary.
We do all classifications of chimney rebuilds, and the following are some of the most common:
- Chimney builds from the flashing up are necessary when tuckpointing, which is replacing old mortar, is no longer a possible solution. The chimney structure is torn down to near the roofline, and a new chimney and chimney crown are built.
- A partial chimney rebuild involves either just a few top courses of a large chimney plus the crown or a complete rebuild of a small chimney that doesn't require scaffolding.
- A total chimney rebuild involves tearing down the entire outer layer of brick on a chimney and rebuilding it plus the crown. It is rare for the smoke chamber, hearth, and firebox to need to be replaced when the chimney is rebuilt.
The chimney crown serves as the first line of protection for the masonry construction underneath it. When it is in good condition, the chimney crown can help to prevent the need for chimney rebuilds or brick chimney repairs. Crowns should be checked regularly, however, because they tend to chip, crack, and deteriorate, leaving the masonry vulnerable.
Annual cleaning and inspections can help you avoid the need for costly repairs, because our chimney sweeps know the signs to look for which indicate that moisture is compromising your chimney structure. Waterproofing is an additional defense against moisture. Give us a call today if you have any questions about the condition of your chimney or to schedule a chimney rebuild or any type of chimney repair.
2.0 Fireplace repair/Smoke chamber repair
Fireplace chimney is very important to be maintained regularly. According to NFPA around 40% of chimney fires happening due to of fireplace chimney poor maintenance as lack of information or homeowner negligence.
The creosote builds up on the chimney flue lining must be cleaned annually because it became flammable and harmful for the house environment air quality.
A slow-burning fire, or one that fails to burn at all, is about the only visible symptom of creosote buildup. It's important to inspect the walls of your chimney using a flashlight and scratch at the walls to check for buildup. If the buildup is ⅛" or less in thickness, you should schedule a thorough cleaning with a chimney sweep. If the buildup is greater than ⅛" thick, stop using your fireplace immediately and call a professional right away.
The fireplace flue lining get deteriorated as the result of water penetration, erosion of the mortar joints on the flue lining, smoke chamber cracks from the excessive heat, building issues and bricks spalling.
To repair the fireplace flue lining our professional will install a chimney liner that meet requirement with top and bottom plate and seal the smoke chamber.
Smoke chamber is where most of the heat is being exposed. The gaps and cracks in smoke chamber are a potential fire hazard.
In order to Improve the operation of your fireplace and increase the safety of your home smoke chamber has to be sealed by using heat durable sealant.
Smoktite is a highly insulative ceramic product that is used to seal, smooth and insulate chimney smoke chambers without removing the damper frame or adjacent brickwork. Smoktite sprays on to seal the surface with a durable ceramic coating that is good up to 2291 degrees Fahrenheit and is impervious to acids, vapors, and water. Introduced in the summer of 2002, Smoktite is now being used by chimney professionals all across the country.
2.2 Smoke guard and accessories
A smoky fireplace is the most common fireplace problem our customers experience. When a fireplace is smoking, it can be a new, intermittent, or pre-existing problem; and there are many potential causes, most of which can be determined with a close inspection of the chimney. Whatever the duration or cause of a smoky fireplace, it is important to put a stop to it because it can be dangerous for combustion byproducts to enter your home. It is even possible for the gases to cause deadly carbon monoxide poisoning. The most common causes of a smoky fireplace follow:
Fireplace Grate
Improper use of a fireplace can cause it to smoke, but it's the easiest type of smoking problem to remedy. A fire grate should be used so that the flames get needed oxygen. A fire built without a grate typically won't get hot enough for the chimney to properly ventilate. Move the grate to the back of the firebox, about an inch from the back wall. A buildup of ash on the floor of the firebox could obstruct the air flow underneath the grating. For optimal operation of the chimney, the firebox should be cleaned regularly. To keep a proper amount of air on the fire in a sunken firebox, you probably need to raise the fireplace grate so that it is not situated below the hearth floor.
Unseasoned Firewood
Clean fires that produce a minimal amount of smoke are the result of using seasoned firewood. When firewood is seasoned, it means that it has low moisture content. Green or wet firewood, on the other hand, expends energy burning out moisture. Unseasoned firewood usually doesn't get hot enough for the air to rise up the chimney, and a smoky fireplace is the result.
Negative Air Pressure
Homes today tend to be sealed very tightly, and the result can be that the chimney can't achieve an adequate draft. Negative air pressure can also be caused by venting, such as a kitchen or clothes dryer vent that is pulling air out of the home.
Chimney Obstruction or Restriction
When a chimney becomes clogged, the narrowing of the flue can prevent combustion products from exiting up the chimney. A flue opening can be obstructed or restricted by various objects, such as an animal nest, broken masonry, leaves, an excessive accumulation of creosote, or a damper that won't fully open.
Clogged Chimney Cap
It's important to have a chimney cap installed on your chimney because of the many benefits of the accessory. There are times, however, when the chimney topper can become clogged and restrict air flow. Creosote, insects, leaves, animal nests, and other debris can jam chimney caps.
Chimney Height
A chimney needs to be a certain height in order to work properly, and it has to do with the slant and height of the roofline. There are times when additional height needs to be added to a chimney, to correct a smoky fireplace. A chimney that is too tall can also create drafting problems.

Faulty Design
An improperly designed heating system can cause the fireplace to smoke. There are numerous components to a fireplace and chimney that could cause smoking. For example, there should be no projections in the chimney which restrict the opening. In addition, the fireplace opening should be no more than 10 times the size of the flue opening. If the flue is too narrow, the fireplace will smoke.
Call our chimney technicians to help identify the reason you have a smoky fireplace.
We will install smoke guard or fireplace doors to help the combustion by reducing the fireplace firebox.